Chabad of Cary Payment Center


Select an appropriate category to make a donation or a payment. Enter TOTAL amount followed by comments if necessary. 
Use comments/notes field to provide additional information. 

For example: When Sponsoring Luncheon you can provide an Occasion or course name if paying for Education course.  You can also choose to donate to the general kiddush fund for weeks there is no sponsor.

If a donation is being made in honor of or in memory of a family member or friend, please provide us with their name in the comments area.

Please Note: All donations and Kiddush sponsorships are tax deductible. Class tuitions and Friday Night Dinners are not unless a donation is given over the cost of the event (in which case the additional amount will be tax-deductible.)  Receipts for all donations will be sent in the mail.

Payment Category





Please note that you will receive a receipt by mail from us for your donation and an email confirmation from paypal.