Imagine a synagogue where…
- The moment you walked in, you were greeted with a warm welcome, a siddur and the page number,
- Stimulating discussions take the place of a traditional sermon,
- You are given the opportunity to ask any question that comes to mind during the Torah Reading,
- The given week’s Torah Reading gains new relevance through the lens of Jewish Mysticism,
- The service is both traditional (with familiar tunes) and user-friendly (with English annotated prayerbooks and page number announcements, even the novice attendee feels at ease),
- A delicious Kiddush Luncheon takes place each week with laughter, camaraderie, and l’chaims,
- Women meet for a special discussion group towards the end of services, for a thought-provoking discussion on prayer, faith, and applying the principals of Torah to our busy lives (Note: Women can also remain inside for Musaf instead of joining the women's prayer class).
Welcome to Chabad of Cary.
Our goal is quite simple: To provide you with a most inspiring and enjoyable Shabbat Service experience.
Come join us every Shabbat.
Davening begins at 9:30am
Torah reading and discussion at approximately 10:30am
Women's Discussion Group meets at approximately 11:15am; once a month with Rebbetzin Chana and other weeks by lay-women.
Kiddush / Light Lunch at approximately 12:00pm
We now offer seasonal Friday Night Kabbalat Services at 6:00pm during the winter and 6:30 during the summer.
Family Friday Nights
Join us for a new fun-filled and child-centered family-style Shabbat Service and Light Shabbat Dinner.
Geared towards families with young children, we'll start early, end on time, and have a child friendly menu. Let's celebrate Shabbat together!
- Pre Shabbat Guitar Sing-Along
- Candle Lighting, Prayers, and Kiddush (led by children)
- Matzah Ball Soup and Child-friendly Foods
No Fee, donations appreciated.
RSVP here for Family Friday Nights
The Kiddush Lunch
Delicious food, the warm atmosphere, and the opportunity to socialize with others makes our Kiddush lunch a highlight of the week for so many.
Sponsor a Kiddush luncheon after Shabbat Services in honor of a birthday, anniversary, the Yahrzeit of a family member or other family occasion. The Kiddush is very affordable, and it's a beautiful way of celebrating with the community. Click here to sponsor.